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I love the concept! It kinda reminds me of a recent idea for a puzzler I  had where the player is in control of an astral projection. I'll be honest, I think that's playing it fast and loose with the limitation, because you're controlling something that is in effect controlling sentient things, but that's cool. The puzzles are very well constructed, which is great work in the given time. 

Where I'd look to improve this, personally, is I'd have a "Speed up animation" button. I found myself tentatively adding steps because if I died, I have to remember what I input last time, and some of the levels required a LOT of inputting (back forward back forward back forward to stay in one place - is there a better way?) When doing that, watching your angels go back and forth again and again got a bit boring. Some other ideas - lock in instructions that the player is happy with so they don't lose them when an angel dies, lock  in the angels' positions so the animations continue rather than restart.

Hope that is of use!

Thank you for your in-depth feedback! A speed-up animation mode would probably be a good idea, as it would allow the limitation to still exist while not frustrating the player (which is kinda important for making some puzzles, as some become literally impossible without discovering the trick since it's not possible to move 1 space in any direction if all 12 moves are used). There is no better way than shuffling for some stages (except running into obstacles or into the other angel when possible). 

I could probably just keep the instructions after death. Originally, I actually did keep them, but I decided to remove them for reasons I don't remember.  

Fun. Really nice assets for a 3 day jam!

Thank you!